Now life feels tricky. How do I balance restarting life again in the states while trying to keep in contact with friends in Zim? How do I start looking for work and try to integrate what I have learned from this past year? How do I keep going but still keep pictures, memories and people in my mind from Zim? How do I keep remembering cause I don't want to forget? How do I even begin figuring out what is next?
While life seems to be a delicate balance right now, it must go on. Here are some ways I hope to remember the past, embrace the present and look forward to the future.
1. I have discovered that both in Zimbabwe and here in Kidron, Ohio people are extremely friendly. I have been happy to discover that in most places where I live or have lived people exude warmth and love. I hope to also portray more warmth and love.
2. The humidity in Ohio has been keeping me from practicing 10:00 tea time but as the temperatures will cool down (someday) I hope to stop more to drink tea with people.
3. Many people have been willing to listen to my stories from Zimbabwe. I have been working hard to not start every sentence with, "Well, in Zimbabwe we do this or that or whatever it may be," but I have been grateful for the people who have listened and asked questions or have just said, "it is good to have you back."
4. I hope to continue to do things in life that I am passionate about. I hope to find work or volunteering that I am excited about and that connect me with people, peace and the earth.
5. I hope to be more hospitable. This has many meanings. I do not always make a ton of effort to be in touch with people that I am not currently present with and so I hope to work harder at being in contact with friend and family in Zim. This will take effort not because I don't care but just because I don't always love to talk on the phone or text or email. I also hope to be more welcoming to people I host or see on the street. The introvert in me likes to hide away, but I must find ways to be more open to people, because people make life interesting:)
So...its a short list and I still have a lot to figure out. I still have a lot to process and I will continue to transition in the weeks and months ahead because I am still unsure of what exactly the future holds, but that is okay!
I am so thankful for the many many people who have supported me over this past year. For family and friends who stayed in touch even though I was far away. For new friends who treated me as one of their own. It was a wonderful 11 months in Zimbabwe but I also know that the weeks and months ahead will hold new wonders, challenges and much joy!
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